The truly sad bit? I’ve been trying to draw this comic for WEEKS, but real life keeps getting in the way (see the previous few pages) And you know what? I haven’t had time to play Ragnarok at all during that time. Crud.

Also, it might just be me, but that first panel seems like it’just asking to be turned into one of those Memes the kids are so in to these days.

Well, anyway, Filler Time is almost over. Otakon is just a few weeks away, and it brings some exciting new developments with it!!!

(Historical Notes: It would be around this time that I finally fell out of the habit of playing RO at all.  In a way, the internet at the new house was even more spotty than at the apartments.  It wouldn’t STAY off anywhere near as long, but it’d blink out constantly, to the point that online games were all but impossible to play.  And now that I think about it, I haven’t consistently played ANY video game since then.  Man, this whole stretch of comics keeps finding new ways to depress me…)