Yeah… So this week has been fun. This makes TWICE now that I’ve had the intended comic preempted by PANIC. For, you see, nothing about this comic made up. That new scanner I got to replace the dead one? Yep, it had a whole mess of bugs living inside of it. Obviously, it had to go, and this page was the last thing I scanned on it before chucking it out. Hopefully, my NEW new scanner will have arrived by the this page goes online, but still… MAN, what a week.

EDIT: Yes, the new scanner is here, hooked up, working perfectly, and not hosting any living organisms. Yay.

(Historical Notes: Okay, I need to be careful how I word this, because I don’t want to sound like I’m casting shade on Viga for lending me the bug scanner.  She was just trying to help and, seriously, who would ever think to check for something like THIS?  Still, this whole ordeal was, in retrospect, a very clear sign what a mistake I’d made by moving away from my pre-established support network of friends and family.  There is a LOT of stuff that the “obscure internet cartoonist” lifestyle just can’t cope with solo, at least not in a place as expensive as a large city.  All I really had to rely on in DC by this point was a handful of convention friends and… again, I want to chose my words very carefully here, but NEVER RELY ON ANYONE YOU MET AT CONVENTIONS FOR ANYTHING.  It’s not their fault, it’s just something you should never ever do. …yeah, I chose my words poorly.)