Am I giving away how this set of comics will end?  Probably, a bit, yeah.  But let’s be honest here, I can’t imagine anybody who talks about Ichibancon 2022 will leave the bit about the weather out, so it’s not like I’m spoiling a big surprise twist or anything.

Here’s the funny thing, though: the past few years have conditioned me to be prepared for the possibility of ANY plans being called off at the last minute, to the point that I was a bit nervous about hyping up me going to Ichi at all for fear that it’d be canceled on me.  And yet, for all bracing against Varus complications, I TOTALLY failed to actually check the weather until embarrassingly close to the con.  I guess there’s a limit to how many things beyond my control I can worry about at a time.  And it’s not as if arctic storms haven’t wrecked havoc on my convention plans before, either.  I really should know better.