Before anything else, I need to establish something pretty important: despite what this comic implies, I actually DID go to panels during the convention for once.  I even enjoyed myself!  So yeah, if you saw me in the crowd in your panel and are worried this comic is implying that I think you suck, I’M NOT.  The very fact that I came into the room at all is proof that I think you’re alright.

But that’s the thing, for every one panel I might see listed that sounds worth my time, there’s a hundred more descriptions that are pretty much exclusively “YOU’RE GONNA HATE THIS” red flags.  I really was getting all excited about going to another con in the days leading up to Ichi, then crashed hard upon actually sitting down to examine the schedule.  I keep forgetting that the majority of pleasant convention memories I have are around a decade old at this point.  The warm fuzzies I get over previous events have perilously little to do with the events actually taking place in present day.