Don’t I look excited?  Isn’t this the very face of enthusiasm?  Yeah, it’s weird.  For a while there, I really WAS getting pretty psyched about going back to more cons again, but then… well, I shouldn’t go saying it now, because I’m pretty sure it’ll end up being a comic in a few weeks.  But yeah, I’m making my glorious return to what turned out to be my LAST convention in The Before Time.  And by “Glorious Return” I of course mean “driving down to Charlotte for a few hours for a couple of days.”  Yeah, I’m not gonna be around all that much, comparatively speaking, and there’s no panels or events or anything I’ll be taking part in.  Sill, if you DO see me wandering around, be sure to say hi!  I’ll have a few bags of free stuff to give away to whoever asks!

Oh, and just in case anybody isn’t familiar with the routine, I’ll start posting comics on a “whenever they’re done” basis within a few days of getting back from the con.  I’ll try to have at LEAST one new page out per week, but you’ll wanna keep an eye on all my social medias for alerts when the updates actually happen, especially if I get on a roll and start posting multiple pages in a row.  In fact, watch all that stuff anyway, because I’ll be posting plenty of convention pictures over the weekend!