So, this really frustrated me for a while. In case you forgot (and if you did, feel free to go back and remind yourself), I was moving during Animazement, and was slightly stressed out. As a result, I ran out of time and had to leave a bunch of comic ideas out of the update (it’s just over a dozen pages, one of my shortest updates). The main reason I’m doing another outtake series now is so that those dropped ideas can finally see the light of day.

Sooooooooo, I finally sat down to draw some of those comics… and couldn’t remember a thing. I seriously spent all evening pouring over my AZ notes trying to remember at least ONE of these alleged ideas before I finally found something. The weeks leading up to Intervention might be harder to fill than I originally anticipated.

Still, THIS is fairly funny to me. Due to all the moving and con stuff, I had to post a LOT of Far Out There pages in advance, and I honestly couldn’t remember which stuff had been seen by the general public at that point. Knowledge is a tough thing to have…

EDIT (THIS IS IMPORTANT): Okay, my computer died again last night, and there’s no telling when (or if) I can get it fixed this time. So, until further notice, all updates are canceled. No, I’m not happy about it either.

(Historical Notes: Another technical issue that, again, really wouldn’t have been that big of a deal if the overwhelming majority of people I knew who could help with it hadn’t been several states away.  But enough about that, I’m more wondering exactly what it was I spoiled about Far Out There.  I THINK this would have been around the end of Jenna’s introductory arc?  Maybe?  I’m trying to repost all those comics at the same time as all these, and it’s actually making me really disoriented to try and work out.  Like, more so that usual.)