…not that I’ve got anything against a large crowd of gamers or anything. It’s just that I don’t play many First Person Shooters, Real Time Strategy, or Card games, so it’s not like I could have jumped into any of these conversations. Besides, it just felt really weird to be in such a large crowd of geeks and STILL be the only person on the bus going to this particular con.

AAAAaaaaand the outtakes begin! I THOUGHT I was going to start with an outtake from Katsucon, but I seem to have forgotten whatever I left out of that update. You just wait until I get into Animazement and Otakon, though. MAN there’s a lot of untapped material there!

(Historical Notes: What’s weird is I only remember there being this obvious swarm of PAX people on the way UP to Boston, not heading back.  I don’t know if that crowd traditionally stays an extra day, or if they all got an earlier bus than I did, or what.  Granted, I was also a LOT sleepier on the trip back than the trip up, even BEFORE we got delayed, so my powers of observation may have just been a lot laxer by then.  Oh, and the alt text makes it sound like a joke, but I really WAS listening to an awful lot of Joy Division at that point, which says a few things about where my head was at.)