…okay, what exactly does lots and lots of boxes have to do with Animazement? I mean, yeah, cosplayers have a lot of luggage, but who goes and packs EVERYTHING to go to a con? SOMEBODY WHO’S LITERALLY MOVING DURING THIS CONVENTION. No, seriously. I move into my new place the day after I get back, and the drive to and from Raleigh is as much to use my parents’ van to move stuff around as it is to get to the con itself.

So, why tell you guys all this? Well, it’s so you’ll better understand why it’s WILDLY unlikely that I’ll have the rest of this update finished anytime this week. I mean, if I’m still going to be in the process of getting myself moved in on Tuesday, I just plain won’t have over a dozen comics written, drawn, and online by Wednesday. Heck, even next Friday is pretty unlikely, seeing as how I still have a job to worry about, too. So… I dunno, just keep checking back until there’s comics here. OR, you could just follow me on Twitter or like Conventional Wisdom on Facebook and get told EXACTLY when the comics finally go up!

(Historical Notes: Hey, remember when those were the only Social Medial outlets I had, and people actually used the later?  Weird times, man.  Weird times… But yeah, as strange as it sounds, I basically moved completely out of the old apartment and took everything down to North Carolina, just so I could take stuff BACK to DC a week later.  It helps if you understand that the new room I was moving into was less than half the size of my previous place, so not EVERYTHING came back with me.  Still, it sounds really funny to say.  Also, I really feel like I need to apologize to the world as a whole for the state we left that apartment in.  My roommate didn’t get his deposit back, and that was more than earned.  I’m a little surprised that building wasn’t condemned after we left.)