Hey wow! A guest comic! How ’bout that? Many thanks to my buddy Hunter for giving me one less thing to worry about over the next week. Speaking of which, Animazement is almost here! Stay tuned for more news on comics!

(Historical Notes: I’ve actually gotten several offers of guest strips over the years, either finished strips or offers to cover cons I wasn’t at, but this remains the only time I’ve ever taken anybody up on it.  That’s a bit strange, seeing as how chomping at the bit I was to do guest material for OTHER people back in the day, but Conventional Wisdom is such a unique beast that it’s hard to imagine material about events I wasn’t there to witness.  An imaginary cosplay like this is about all that’s ever sat well with me, and even then I only really used it because of how little time I had to make comics of my own.  Now, I should point out that I’d LOVE to receive Far Out There fan comics, so everybody feel free to make a ton of those!)