Oh yeah, this is totally a thing.  That actually happened.

It’s particularly funny to me that they used a picture with ME because I was probably the least hardcore Brony in the room. I’m convinced they just thought my shirt was funny. Seriously, look at how they framed this picture, how carefully they made sure to include all the words. THAT is why I’m in this picture, I’m absolutely certain of it. Oh, and if you’re wondering, I didn’t get ragged on at work about this. They just thought it was entertaining that my picture was in The Washington Post… and NOT for any of my numerous crimes!

Now, on to some frustrating news. Obviously, updates have been rare and insubstantial for the past few weeks, and it’s going to be like that again for a while. Here’s the deal: I’m moving at the end of the month, RIGHT after Animazement. So, for the next few weeks, we’re just going to have some filler junk to cover while I pack. That’ll go until we get to the Animazement comics… which brings up another thing: between said moving and some questions about where my computer will be in all this, the AZ comics will PROBABLY be a week late. I dunno, we’ll see. In the mean time, hope you enjoyed this actual comic!

(Historical Notes: I told Mookie about how his shirt got me into a newspaper story about Bronies a few months after this.  He seemed to think I was expecting an apology or something.  Also, I found out later that somebody had used an alternate angle of this shot at the image for a 4chan discussion about urban legends about brony orgies.  Somebody even responded “Man, I feel sorry for the Conventional Wisdom guy getting wrapped up in this.”  I’d make my usual “I already get wrapped up in anime, so who cares” response… but in this case, I just felt it was both hilarious and sad that some 4chan anon thought he was in a position to feel sorry for anyone anywhere ever.)