I’m doing this update from the computer lab at Georgetown University (where I technically shouldn’t be) because my Internet is out AGAIN. Seriously, it’s been dying every hour for the past week.

…and that’s the LEAST annoying thing in my life right now. My current living arrangement ends in a month or so, I still can’t find any place new that I can afford, and it’s hard to look when THE FREAKING INTERNET KEEPS BREAKING…

…okay, I’ll try to reign in the ranting. Suffice to say, no comic AGAIN this week. I’m really sorry, but even if technical difficulties weren’t abounding, I still don’t think I’d have it in me to be funny right now…

(Historical Notes: This was probably the most consistently stressful few weeks of my entire life, and would serve in retrospect to be one of the main reasons I wound up leaving DC.  There were plenty of other factors, of course, but every time I though about addressing any of THOSE things, I’d think back to how frazzled I got just trying to stay in the city at all.  More and more, I found myself with no answer to the question of why I was even bothering.  On a less depressing note, or MORE if you look at it from a certain way, younger readers will need to understand that I had no laptop and no smartphone at this point.  I literally had no means of checking my e-mail outside of using a desktop computer.  That’s just how we rolled back before the wheel was invented.)