Okay, assuming I don’t get TOO delayed again, we should still get the rest of the outtakes up before Anime Boston, even if the last one comes out RIGHT before I leave. But hey, better than another filler page, right?

Anyway, I left this comic out of the original MAGFest set because the whole thing was getting… well, too self-congratulatory. And including a moment of “Hey, people out there read my stuff!” seemed to push it even farther over the edge, so I cut it. Besides, we’d already filled the Digimon shout-out quota for the update.

But yeah, they good folks at K-Collective for making my Sunday Morning twice over, and given what an awesome weekend MAGFest as a whole was, that wasn’t an easy task. So now I’m the proud owner of a homemade Koromon plushie (which, just for added geek points, I got autographed by JesuOtaku)

Well, since MAGFest was so awesome, I’ve actually got a SECOND outtake for next week!

(Historical Notes: Again, I’ve still got that Koromon.  I get rid of NOTHING.)