Just in case anyone is wondering, let me reiterate: I DON’T LIKE THE WHOLE “LET’S SHOUT JOKES” THING AT CONS. It’s not the fact that memes get old, ‘cos that’s very subjective. I can’t tell someone else “That’s not funny anymore because I’M tired of it.” What I CAN tell someone else is “Stop yelling things when I’m trying to have a conversation over here!” Seriously, kids. Inside voices.

But yeah, The Colossus Roar seems to be the one thing being shouted all weekend. That one guy I saw trying (and failing) to get Marco Polo started was one and only exception. It’s like MAGFest used some crazy black magic to condense all the stupid memes into one horrible amulet so that the evil could be locked away for good… except it still got all over the place… and this illustration kind of fell apart.

One more outtake left before Anime Boston!

(Historical Notes: Wow, that’s some impressive negativity from past me, right there.  I thought it’d be another year or two before I started feeling that kind of genuine cynicism about the convention scene, let alone got brave enough to openly express it.  I suppose I was bolstered by the knowledge that, even back then, the MAGFest staff weren’t fans of the roar either.  This was never something they actively encouraged, regardless of whatever unintended positive side effects you might have been able to claim it had.)