Yeah, I know it’s not really anime related (though Conan and Andy DID visit that dubbing studio a few times) and it’ll be irrelevant in a few days, but DANG IT, it’s not often I find a cause I actually feel like getting behind! I’ve paid more attention to Late Night TV the past few weeks than I did for the whole last election. Whether that says worse things about me or the current state of the American political system is up to you to decide, but it’s the truth. God bless you Conan. Long may you run.

Anyway, I’ve still got a few outtakes from the past year’s conventions to unload, so we’ll get back to those next week.

Speaking of cons, CRAP. I gotta quit dillydallying and start getting ready for Katsucon!

(Historical Note: Again, it’s really bizarre to look back and actually see myself giving the slightest crap about things happening on network television.  To those who have done an even better job of avoiding TV than I have, Conan O’Brien hosted the show Late Night, which aired after The Tonight Show hosted by Jay Leno.  Late Night was a big hit with hip weirdo college kids and internet dweebs, enough for NBC to promise him a promotion to The Tonight Show after Leno stepped down.  The changeover happened in mid 2009, and… didn’t go very well.  Conan’s primary audience was exactly the type of person who’d be dropping TV altogether around this period, and the traditional Tonight Show audience didn’t care much for internet-friendly absurdity.  Add in the fact that Leno never actually WANTED to leave and was locked into a new NBC show BEFORE The Tonight Show, and the whole thing devolved into a ratings-killing mess and a very public firing.  Ironically, I re-posted this on SmackJeeves right around the time Conan’s no-compete clause wrapped up and he was launching a new show on TBS.  A decade ago I really cared very deeply about all this.  Now, I got bored and had to go for a walk in the middle of typing that paragraph out.)