First of all, I need to confess that I generally avoid non-con staff on general principle, so this didn’t actually happen to ME. However, every convention I go to, I hear new horror stories about how rude and unhelpful the staff/security of that hotel/convention center are, so apparently this sort of thing is a regular part of SOMEONE’S con experience. Otakon especially. No offense, City of Baltimore, but apparently you have no clue how to hire people to run your stuff.

Second, I need to stress that these horror stories are about the people who AREN’T part of the convention itself. Personally, I’ve had pretty good experiences with most of the con staffers/volunteers I’ve encountered in my day. (What, me? Sucking up? NAW!)

Finally, this’ll probably be the last of the outtakes. With Katsucon getting freakishly close and me TOTALLY unprepared, the next few comics before the big Katsu update will be EXTRA filleriffic. Whoopty-doo.

(Historical Notes: In retrospect, I should probably cut these guys a little slack.  Not only do they have to put up with all these freakin’ nerds for a whole weekend, but that’s ON TOP OF going to work in downtown Baltimore every day.  This comic very clearly shows the signs of having been written BEFORE I spent those years in DC.)