On a purely technically level, Anime USA ’09 was, at best, average. And yet, on a personal level, I think it was one of the best conventions I’ve EVER attended,it was certainly the best AUSA. It was the little things, mostly. There were more than enough cool moments and fun encounters to TOTALLY overwhelm the lack of screens and stuff like that.

In particular, the plastic bag that I was carrying stuff around in all weekend gave up the ghost Sunday afternoon. SPECTACULARLY. And then, after barely a second, some random dude I’d never seen before tosses me a new one. I didn’t even get a chance to say thanks! I can only imagine that, somewhere, there’s this cool dude riding off into the sunset, handing out plastic bags to peasants in poor Mexican villages. Godspeed, mysterious stranger. Godspeed.

(Historical Notes: I’ll say this here, since there’s other stuff to say on the other comics, but the very idea of “outtakes” is an artifact of the past.  One of the benefits of not posting the entire update all at once is how the added time ensures usable ideas don’t get lost in the shuffle.  And besides, any extra comic ideas I MIGHT have just end up going to Patreon instead.  And with ConCONcon comic becoming more of a regular thing, there’s not a lot of places I could slide in extra outtakes anyway.  So enjoy these relics out of time!)