So, here’s the deal: When I’m coming up with comic ideas at cons, there’s inevitably one or two potentially good ideas that I manage to forget sometime between having it and getting access to paper. Even worse, I’ll inevitably come up with a few more good ideas AFTER I’ve posted a whole update’s worth of comics.

Thus, for the next couple of weeks, I’ll be looking back at the conventions of last year and seeing if I can come up with any comics that SHOULD have already been made from those experiences. Since I’m chronically bad about planning these things out, I’m not sure if I’ll have a comic for EVERY con I was at last year, or if this will last all the way until Katsucon. We’ll just have to wait and see.

So, anyway, I’m actually really annoyed at myself for forgetting this one from AUSA. One of the biggest deals with ALL the panels last year was the severe lack of projectors. What happened was, AUSA ordered a whole mess of TVs from… someplace, I forget where. Problem was, FedEx decided to ship said TVs to the Hyatt Regency in LA rather than Crystal City, and no one found out about it until Friday morning. Thus, everyone was bellyaching about what a poor job the tech staff had done at organizing everything, even though the problem was TOTALLY outside of the staff’s control. So I figure “HEY! I’ve got the ear of the people here! I can let them know THE TRUTH!” …and then I forgot to actually make a comic about it. Well, better late than never, I guess. Cut AUSA some slack, guys. Give FedEx the hate, please!

(Historical Note: The SmackJeeves posting of this comic included an extra note in which I retracted the “cut AUSA some slack” statement due to all the problems that had come up during panel submissions for that year… problems I have COMPLETELY forgot about and cannot in any way explain.  I actually went off and read through the next few years of AUSA comics in hopes of finding SOME reference to what happened, but I’m still drawing a complete blank.  This is why I have to take notes at the con, folks.)