Seriously, you just wait. 60 years from now, I won’t remember what I had for breakfast, but I’ll still be able to tell you exactly how you get the first White Mushroom House to show up. (You get 44 coins in level 4, in case you were wondering)

So, Katsucon is slowly inching closer which will mean the end of this little filler arc (and after that, who knows?) Before Katsucon happens, though, I’ve got a new idea for the next couple of weeks…

What, you wanted to know what I’m up to? Well, you’ll just have to come back next week to find out!

(Historical Notes: What am I talking about, “60 years from now”?  It only been a decade, and I’m already worse now than I was then.  And I don’t just mean getting lost, either; if anything that’s excusable because of all the roadwork they’ve done in the area.  My memory’s just getting bad in general.  I’m trying to get this new computer set up and port all this stuff over from the old one and get used to all these new art programs and I’m having such a hard time multitasking and adapting to it all that I’m genuinely starting to fear I might have some early dementia coming on.  That, or I just need to stop going so long without sleep.  Or both.)