Technically, I’m jumping the gun a bit, as I’ve only gotten Extended Family Pre-Christmas Presents so far. Still, this has been the first Christmas I can remember where EVERY SINGLE THING has either been Japanese or ABOUT Japanese things. If you’re curious, the specific swag was:

2 volumes of Black Cat by Kentaro Yabuki

2 volumes Yotsuba&! by Kiyohiko Azuma

Punch De Beat by Thee 50’s High Teens

Japrocksampler: How the Post-War Japanese Blew Their Minds on Rock ‘n’ Roll by Julian Cope

As I said, though, there’s still ACTUAL Christmas coming, so it’s quite likely I’ll encounter a combo breaker of some sort (you know, socks or something)

(Historical Note: Yup, I don’t think ANYTHING else I got that year was Japanese.  Also, I wish I was in less of a hurry to get more stuff poster, otherwise I would have Special Edition-ed this and edited in an actual tree in the back.)