Okay, time for a history lesson. My first experience with drawing cartoons that anyone actually read was, of all things, drawing on the blackboard in college. I’d slip into class a few minutes early and doodle something based on whatever the previous night’s readings had been, and hilarity would usually ensue. It was a great learning experience at being creative on command, but sometimes a combination of boring source material, school grind, and the distractions of life would leave me without a single idea to work with. Thus, Scribbles was created so I could at least have some interesting filler art in those moments.

And, for the record, I’m not REALLY out of ideas just yet. It’s just that, with Far Out There updating every day until Christmas, now seemed like a good time to give myself one less thing to think about. Besides, it’s nice to pull an old character out of storage, ya know?

(Historical Notes: Okay, THIS is a truly momentous occasion, right here.  The introduction of Conventional Wisdom’s REAL star!  Scribbles doesn’t really show up much in the specific capacity that he was created for, pure filler like this, but he has been a regular fixture in SOME form ever since.  I’m not sure why I never bothered to introduce any of the other mascots in this stretch of filler comics, though.  Aside from Miffy, they all already existed by this point, so I easily could have.)