ConCONcon 2021 – page 5
Have I really never made this joke in a comic before? It feels like one of the first jokes ANYBODY learns to make about conventions, but as far as I can recall, it’s never made it into a comic. Just another reason why these pages about imaginary cons are so important, they give me a chance to finally get to material that keeps getting preempted otherwise.
Behind the scenes fun bit: since I don’t have any historical photos of any of Animazement’s old Game Room set ups (and there was more than one), the background for the second panel is actually a picture of Lost Ark Video Games, where I went with some friends last week. It was my first trip out for pretty much anything since probably Christmas, and you’d better believe I took enough pictures for their back room arcade to stand in for ConCONcon’s game room for the foreseeable future.
But enough about that, BIG HUGE GIANT NEWS ABOUT THE FUTURE OF CONVENTIONAL WISDOM! Hurry up and find out what’s going on!
I suspect that you never made a joke about it due to it being so standard that you never actually remembered to do so. The fact that the anime convention runs for an entire day before the “opening ceremonies”.
As for the con you’re going to, stay safe and get tested a week afterwards. I know the tests are horrible, but even if you and everyone else at the con’s vaccinated (which not everyone will be, I don’t care how small the con is, stupid and obnoxious people are called stupid and obnoxious for a reason), and getting yourself tested afterwards just helps ensure that you’re not being a massive douche to other people by spreading it if you’re unlucky.
I have a feeling I probably made the joke down in the comments of a page somewhere along the line, and the memory just sort of blurred together with the stuff I’d actually said in a comic. It’s surprisingly hard to keep details like that straight when you’ve been at this as long as I have.
…what, exactly, is surprising about not being able to remember every detail about comics that you have made for over 12 years on a singular subject (the first uploaded comic was apparently made for Otakon 2008)? If it didn’t start to blur together, THAT would be impressive. Even with you getting a refresher course on the comics you made by reuploading many of them throughout 2019 until now, it would still be hard to remember specifics, even if you produced a whole bunch of prompts to help you remember some of them.