I tell ya, with every day that passes I know a little bit less about anything that everyone else thinks is interesting, and vice versa.

…and if you’re scratching your head about what any of that nonsense in those first three panels means, CONGRATULATIONS!  You know know how I feel when listening to any media less than a decade old!  But seriously, this is 2020’s first visit to that crazy side-quest I started last year of creating a whole fictional universe for Conventional Wisdom.  In case you missed it, I’ve started replacing references to ACTUAL anime with completely made up stuff where possible, partially so I can have control over all the details, and partially to avoid any fandoms getting mad at me over something I said.  That, and I have this crazy fantasy of eventually making a whole line of fake, meta-merchandise for anime that doesn’t actually exist.

EDIT: Okay, if you checked out this comic right after it was posted, then strained your eyes struggling to read the blurry little text, hopefully this re-posting will be a little bit more legible.  I don’t do these “left to right strip” pages anywhere near as often as the “top down page” format, so it caught me by surprise just how much smaller the text would wind up once I’d web-sized the comic.  Admittedly, a page with this much talking was gonna have tiny text anyway, but hopefully Take 2 here will be a BIT easier to read.