(Historical Notes: First off, no.  I wasn’t the one at the wheel on the trip back, THANK GOD.  We’ve already established how I think the trip would have ended if I’d tried to drive again that weekend.  Second, other people have noticed this about South Carolina roads, right? At least where the exists and stuff along I-85 are concerned?  Even before this particular weekend, SC was the only place I’ve ever seen Interstate exit ramps have intersections IN THE MIDDLE OF THEM.  It’s like they couldn’t bother to re-direct or remove any of the preexisting roads to make room for the Interstate, and the result is this crazy web of weird intersections and sudden turns and generally counterintuitive road designs.  I don’t claim to be any traffic wizard, but it’s still some of the funkiest roads I’ve ever seen outside of downtown in a major city… and even there, the maze on one-way roads and magical disappearing lanes are usually still grid-shaped, at least.  I can at least TRY to logic my way into figuring out where things are in relation to each other.  We were just HOPELESSLY lost the second we started trying to turn around.)