(Historical Notes:  Yeeeeaaaaaah, you know how I was gushing about the use of the AMC lobby as another branch of the game room?  Well, the centerpiece of this setup was, appropriately, a huge projector screen.  For much of the weekend, they had stuff like Smash Bros set up on the big screen, but by Sunday they’d swapped it out with one of those sing-along music games.  I couldn’t even tell you what it was, it’s all “Rock Band” and “everything else” to me.  All that matters is that I’D wandered down to play Crazy Taxi, and the big ol’ sound system totally drowned out the dinky little TV the Dreamcast was hooked up to.  As the caption down at the bottom implies, I’m really not even a fan of The Offspring in general, but those songs are pretty essential to the Crazy Taxi experience, so having it smothered was kinda frustrating.  Especially since whoever was playing the other game seems to exclusively pick songs I totally hate.  Imagine Dragons lessens the quality of my life.)