(Historical Notes:  On the one hand, there’s waaay too much wall of text in this page.  Just point to the Patreon link and be done with it.  On the other hand, I do like that Past Me had the presence of mind to realize that the whole “lessons” running gag in this series was a mistake.  Or, at the very least, trying to spin it into an ongoing storyline was.  Looking back now, it comes across as way too preachy and self-important and like I’m trying to act like SERIOUSLY ONE OF THE WORST IDEAS I’VE EVER HAD as secretly brilliant and important.  Because yeah, it really was just born out of desperation from me not being able to get a normal room in time.  I should have fully owned the fact that I was behaving stupidly rather than try and deflect criticism by pretending it was all an experiment or whatever.  Honestly, the funniest comics in this whole batch are mostly unrelated to the van story.  It’s the stuff about what actually happened inside the convention itself; ya know, the WHOLE POINT OF THIS COMIC.  Half the reason the re-posting of old comics slowed down so much lately is because I was silently dreading having to go over these again, and it’s a major relief to finally be done reliving this weekend all over again.  Though, that said…)