(Historical Notes: Awww, look at Past Me desperately trying to attract attention to the ConCONcon shirts! *coughLINKTOTHESTOREcough*  No, but seriously, one of the biggest reasons I kept going back to AWA for as long as I did was because of the game room.  I’ve covered before how they set the game up basically in the exact same spot in the Galleria mall where the old Cyberstation arcade was back when I was a kid, and the spread just got more and more elaborate with every year.  2018 especially impressed, since they managed to get permission to open up the old AMC theater location across the hall and use the lobby as a second room.  Obviously, they couldn’t use the theater rooms themselves for anything (remember, any equipment still in there at all would have been from the mid-90s at the latest) but just being in that lobby again for the first time since I was, like, ten years old was AMAZING.  And even if you didn’t have the same nostalgic connection that I did, it was still an EXTREMELY impressive arcade set up, both from a visual standpoint AND the top notch game selection.  See?  I can still say nice things sometimes!)