(Historical Notes: I have this very dangerous mindset where, once I start doing something, I just go ahead and finish it regardless of how much of a bad idea it is.  For example, I ABSOLUTELY should have changed my mind about wandering off to revisit all of my old stomping grounds while back in DC, it was incredibly obvious that I needed the rest.  But no, I’d already gotten it into my head that I’d do it, so I went ahead and did it, and spent the whole weekend regretting it.  Every time I head back to DC, I forget how HORRIBLY out of shape I’ve gotten since I moved away and don’t properly anticipate how the same walks I used to take are going to wear me out way more than they used to.  But hey, my living in DC in the first place was a testament to me clinging to a bad idea way longer than I should, so I guess this was only appropriate.  What’s more, this would turn out to be my final Anime USA, and I was already starting to get iffy about Otakon by this point.  I probably needed to go ahead and take advantage of every chance to get nostalgic while they were still around, because they wouldn’t be for much longer.  And besides, I was about to spend the bulk of this convention locked away in Artist Alley, so you can understand why I’d be desperate to get in SOME kind of movement before crawling down into the underground dungeon.)