It probably doesn’t help that we were doing this panel at 11:30 Friday morning, literally at the start of the convention. It usually takes me at LEAST a full day to get properly wound up.

Speaking of which: yes, the panel DID happen, just not at a time anyone was used to (seriously, people were asking me about it all weekend) I’ll be posting the playlist on the Facebook page in just a bit.

(Historical Notes: There’s more to be said about how weird the scheduling for this convention truly was, because Awesomely Bad was NOT the only thing at a weird time that nobody expected, but I’m distracted by thinking about how much worse the Awkward Pauses would be once we got to that one AWA a few years down the line.  Just you wait, folks… but yeah, scheduling was bad.  I heard from people who were LITERALLY ON THE PANEL STAFF who hated when their own panels were placed on the schedule.)