You gotta understand, I serious do work one metro stop up from this hotel, and I live further up the road. I pass through this area a LOT.

And it really is true that I don’t usually go anywhere cons are for anything BUT those cons. I never have any reason to go down to Crystal City or the National Harbor, and you’d better believe I don’t hop over to Baltimore just for fun. Heck, even when I lived in Raleigh, I was never around any of Animazement’s locations on a regular basis. Real Life just isn’t supposed to get mixed up in con life like this!

(Historical Notes: What’s funny is, I never really have moments like this anymore, but for the opposite reason.  Now that I mostly commute to cons and sleep at home, I’ve injected so much Real Life into my convention routine that it really can’t feel like the isolated bubble of otakuness that it once did.  It’s probably a lot healthier that way.  Also, I just can’t allow a comic like this to pass without pointing out how, even after explicitly how this con was technically within walking distance of where I lived, I STILL had to pay for a hotel room rather than commute via Metro.  Insert your own observations about how this disproves my entire point for moving to DC in the first place, because I’ve truly beaten that dead horse into the ground by this point.  REALIZE YOUR MASSIVE LIFE MISTAKES SOONER, PAST ME!)