I mean, as far as I know, there wasn’t a tornado warning that day, so it was still better weather than previous years.  But yeah, the weather really yanked me around something fierce this weekend, with the predictions of this big ‘ol storm that seemed to change drastically from one hour to the next.  This mainly mattered to me because the forecasts ORIGINALLY said the rain would be right around when I had to be in costume in order to be on a panel, so I was dragging around raincoats and plastic bags in order to keep everything else dry in an emergency… only to never use any of it.  I think I got drizzled on for, like, a minute Friday morning, then that was it.  And, of course, then we got absolutely DUMPED on Saturday, the day they were originally predicting would be entirely sunny.  Well, thankfully, that was the day I didn’t have to run around outside or preserve and cosplay props, so whatver.  It’s just the principle of the thing.

OH, BY THE WAY.  I wasn’t able to get a picture of the torrential rain when it was happening, so I had to take a pic Sunday and do some editing afterwards.  I’d TRIED to take a deliberately over-exposed photo with the windows all whited out, to make the editing easier.  But, of course, while my phone is more than happy to ruin OTHER photos by throwing off the exposure, the one time I deliberately WANT the windows to be a solid blob of white is the one time all the auto-adjust features decided to work immaculately, giving me nothing but crystal clear photos of the clear sunny weather outside.  Ya just can’t win.