(Historical Notes: It’s amazing how much we cling to the familiar just because it’s the only thing we know.  This was my first Animazement EVER commuting, and the first one in a while since that handful of little cons in Durham.  I was still so used to having a hotel room on-site all weekend that my brain really went into overdrive looking for rational justifications WHY I was feeling weird.  Because, ya know, we all love to feel like we’re totally rational beings and not the impulsive emotion blobs we actually are.  Obviously, it wouldn’t take long for this feeling to wear off, and now it looks REALLY strange to see Past Me grasping for a positive spin to put on hotels.  Oh, and I can’t be sure without the original commentary, but I THINK this page originally went up without the mountains in the background.  AZ 2017 was another set of comics that came out in spurts, and wound up Special Edition-ing several of the first batch when I loaded the second.  Congrats to anybody who saw those line-at-only version, because I TOTALLY didn’t save any copies!)