Well, here we are! The last Conventional Wisdom of 2014, and my first taste of Comicon! Sure, it’s not THAT Comic Con, but it’s still a nervous step outside of my anime convention comfort zone.

Since this isn’t the biggest con, this may not be the longest update of the year, which may in turn lead to the update actually being ON TIME for once. Hey, we can dream, right? Well, let’s see what happens come Wednesday.

(Historical Notes: I don’t think Past Me did this on purpose, but the SmackJeeves titles for these pages left out the “2014” again, like I just assumed this would be my only trip to this particular con.  For several years, it certainly seemed like that would be the case, but look how times changed.  Speaking of times changing, just looking at the size of that list makes me tired and sore.  NEVER AGAIN.)