But hey, that picture has gotten more action on Tumblr than all but, like, four other things I’ve ever posted there. That’s something, right? Sort of?

But yeah, if it feels like waaaaaay too many pages of Conventional Wisdom lately have been about me sitting at a table, this is why (AND it’s how I feel about it)

(Historical Notes: OOOooooh, Past Me is being a bit disingenuous again, or at least still living in denial.  It’s entirely true that sitting at a table for the whole con makes drawing comics about the con difficult, it’s why I couldn’t realistically try to get a table without doubling up with someone else.  But by this point, the frustration over how little I was actually making in Artist Alley was really starting to take hold, and I started to get antsy simply because I didn’t like being down there anymore.  While I was just walking around and looking at stuff, I didn’t have to think about how I’d sunk so much time and effort into a losing venture.)