To be fair, I could see well enough to tell if this gentleman was wearing an actual dress or not, but it WAS a Visual Kei panel, so I just kind of assumed. Besides, how often to you get to use a line like this?

I should also note that this panel, more than any other, was knocked around by technical difficulties. They actually had to wrap it up early because none of the videos would play once the computer was plugged in. Yikes!

(Historical Notes: This is a good example of a comic I wouldn’t do today, partially because I still don’t know enough about visual kei to know if this statement is one I should agree with or not, so I’d weird about just repeating it verbatim.  Also, it implies that being told off by a dude in a dress is an occurrence that’s out of the ordinary enough to be worth remarking on… and even back THEN I’d been to enough conventions to know that’s not even worth blinking at.  Frankly, I SHOULD have had this be the comic about the technical difficulties.  I’ve literally never seen the problems they were having anywhere else, it was kind of fascinating.)