Gina Biggs, creator or Red String, did a panel on Creating Webcomics for a Living, something I have an understandable interest in. It was mostly a cool panel, but this one bit did hit kind of close to home. Back when I first threw the page for Far Out There together, I concocted this swirly, psychedelic lettering for all the buttons, and I’ve been too lazy to change them even after realizing that a lot of people can’t read them. Granted, it’s highly unlikely that she was specifically thinking my MY dinky little comic at the time, but still, ouch.

(Historical note: I actually DID change the buttons on the DrunkDuck site shortly after this, and every site incarnation after it just got more and more stripped down and simplistic.  Ironically, I feel like a lot of mobile-friendly websites are starting to swing back the opposite direction, with big clickable buttons everywhere.  Meanwhile, I’m over here with nothing but text over a black background AND I LIKE IT.)