Well, a momentous occasion like this demanded SOME kind of fanfare, right?  Hitting up Otakon again is a pretty big deal for Conventional Wisdom.  Not only has Ota been on the comic’s schedule for a while, but this is where the whole thing started, all the way back in 2008!  We need a nice big flashy start!  And it’s TOTALLY not that I totally failed to get even a single rough draft penciled during the convention weekend, and this was just the only thing I could bash out on the car ride home.  What would ever give you THAT idea?

No, but seriously, this page will look like total nonsense to somebody who wasn’t at the con… because that’s what it is.  Still, it’s nonsense with SOME real world inspiration, beyond just looking funny.  Scribbles is talking about the fact that all of the convention’s whole “theme” for 2023 was trains… and we’ll definitely be talking about trains later on.  But the t-shirt cannon isn’t just there because lol random.  It’s actually… well, you’ll be seeing more of THAT later, too. (Or just if you’ve seen anybody posting videos from this year’s big events) Just you wait and see!

…and there WILL probably be a wait, because I did indeed COMPLETELY fail to draw anything during the con itself.  Oh, I took plenty of notes, there’s no shortage of raw material to work with.  But unlike with Ret-Con and Animazement, I got NO head start this time, so keep checking back and watching me on the socials for updates when the next page is finished!