…and here we go!  At long last, Conventional Wisdom actually returns to the convention scene.  And not just kicking off a new year, but doing A NEW CON!  And not just new to me, either, Ret-Con’s gonna be a new thing for everybody.  So if you’re around Cary this weekend, be sure to drop by and find me wandering around!  I’ll be especially easy to find Friday evening, since that’s also when I’ll be helping host Awesomely Bad Japanese Music Videos again.  And if you’re only just now stumbling onto this comic because you saw a weird flyer laying around, HELLO!  Come back in a day or two, and there’ll be journal comics about this very weekend!  …or click around and read some of the many, MANY old comics in the meantime.  There’s no shortage to choose from.

Speaking of which, if you’re confused by what on Earth is happening in this cover page: I do a set of filler comics about a TOTALLY NOT FICTIONAL AND MADE-UP convention called “ConCONcon” to cover the stretches of the year where I’m not going anyplace.  Due to some spectacularly bad planning on my part, ConCONcon 2022 wound up dragging embarrassingly late into 2023.  That bodes well for the output rate of Ret-Con’s comics, doesn’t it?