…and this was probably the BEST looking angle I got of that tennis court.  I may have complained that they remodeled the Sheraton Imperial on the inside, and expressed gratitude that at least the OUTSIDE still looks the way I remember, but WOW they’ve really left that back side to rot.  I’ve got nearly as many pictures of that back corner as I do the convention center interior, just because I find crumbling infrastructure so fascinating.  That… and it was a lot easier to wander around outside without looking like I was trying to crash somebody’s wedding, which is the OTHER reason this page exists.

But yeah, that’s it!  Half way through February 2023, and I FINALLY have the last 2022 page finished!  JUST IN TIME FOR 2023’S FIRST CON!  That’s right: next weekend I’ll be down in Cary for Ret-Con, with comics to follow… and despite being at the same hotel as Cosplay America, HOPEFULLY this weekend will see me actually spend more time at the convention itself and NOT wandering back over here for more creeper photos.  Oh, and Awesomely Bad Japanese Music Videos is happening on Friday!  So be sure to swing by for that!