Yeah, I know, AWA is still a little ways off, but MAN I’ve got a lot of crap to sort out before that little trip, including breaking in another “new” laptop to run panels from. Given what happened last time I had to do that, I’m kind of concerned.

And there’s also that whole “getting used to doing Patreon comics on top of the other stuff” thing. Not so much the work itself, but trying to get into a whole new routine. Case in point, the first of the weekly Idolmaster comics was SUPPOSED to go up Monday, buuuuuut I forgot. I mean, it was done and everything, I just forgot to post it.  But hey, it’s up now!  So if you’re a Patreon supporter, enjoy! (And if you don’t like Idolmaster, fear not!  There’s plenty more anime on the way!)

(Historical Notes: Another addition to the “I need to remember to come back and add links” list, I want to re-direct new readers to the public Patreon gallery where they can actually SEE these comics I’m talking about rather than staring at a paywall… you know, as soon as I finally get around to MAKING a new public gallery.  Future Me, add a second link down here.  Thanks!)