I didn’t make it to very many panels at Ichi, but I always try to catch as many of Charles’ panels as possible at any con. No offense to those of you who love panel after panel of cosplayers doing improv in character or whatever, but I greatly prefer panels where I feel like I actually learned something (said the guy who co-hosts a panel that shows stupid music videos)

Aside from the Villains thing, I also caught his showcase of clips from international horror movies… but I couldn’t think of a way to do a comic on that and keep it all-ages, what with all of the blood (No really, we saw ALL of the blood. EVER)

(Historical Notes: First of all, I still got Kyubey’s ears mixed up with Terriermon’s.  Let’s not pretend that didn’t happen.  Second, Past Me is being a little disingenuous about why I avoided doing a comic about the horror panel.  I actually DID have a comic idea, but had to refrain because it involved a family member… but I think the statute of limitations as passed on that story by now.  You know how I was so horribly sick right before leaving for the con?  Well, later this night, I got word that my Dad had come down with the same Uber Cold, and in his case it was bad enough for him to go to the hospital.  Now, just to be clear, he was fine.  He was already home and doing better by the time I got home, and even then they knew it wasn’t actually bad enough for me to need to come home early.  But STILL, that’s not the kind of news I like to receive, especially when I’m already having a fairly lousy weekend.  So I needed some kind of distraction, and wound up wandering into the horror movie panel… RIGHT as they started showing a scene from some French movie where the main character’s parents are killed.  So there I was, trying to keep my mind off of my Dad going to the hospital, watching somebody’s Dad getting mutilated by a power drill.  For, like, maybe a tenth of a second, it was upsetting… and then it was THE FRICKIN’ FUNNIEST THING EVER.  I’ve mentioned before how I process everything as potential comic material, and this was the most triumphant example of how that’s a good thing.  I was too busy marveling at the amazing/horrible timing of me walking in on that exact moment to actually be bothered by it.  Alas, Dad didn’t want to unnecessarily worry family/friends by spreading that whole “going to the hospital” bit, so I didn’t use it.  Still, that’s just another reason why I was in such a funk this weekend.)