S0, our table was right next to LARP headquarters. Due to the noise levels and my own sleepiness, I couldn’t hear much of what went down over there, but I know there was a LOT of it. I could never think on my feet enough to be any good as a roleplayer (heck, look at how long it takes me to do these comics)

They also gave us free Hawaiian Punch on Sunday, which was pretty dang cool. Thanks!

Oh, and don’t bother trying to make out what any of that text actually SAYS. I couldn’t think of anything suitably epic enough on my own (see what i mean?) so that’s just a lot of text I copied off the Madoka Magica wiki page.

(Historical Notes: This page went over so well that they actually printed it up and used it as a sign for the LARP later on.  I officially grant preemptive permission to anyone who would ever want to do anything like this again at any time ever.)