Did I mention I didn’t really do all that much at Ichibancon? Behold why. I haven’t felt this lousy at a con in a looooooong time, and trying to venture through the crowds just didn’t feel worth it most of the time.

I think I also owe an apology to just about everybody I ran into all weekend. I promise I wasn’t trying to blow you off. If anything, I was trying not to cough all over you!

Also, I feel like I should apologize for not doing an actual comic for Awesomely Bad itself this time… but I think you can see why I wasn’t in any shape to think creatively about that night.

(Historical Notes: It shouldn’t surprise anybody after reading this comic itself, but this is one of those weird convention weekends where I have next to no memory of actually staying in the hotel room.  I mean, I obviously know I did, and I of course remember the whole “getting stepped on” bit, but aside from that I barely remember being in the room at all… because I almost immediately lost consciousness every time I entered.)