(Historical Notes: That’s right, I passed up on going to Otakon this year in favor of a little, one-day, local event run by the town comic book shop.  And you know what?  It may not have done viral internet traffic numbers or anything, but it was ABSOLUTELY the right call to make at the time.  And make no mistake, this was/is a SMALL event.  Basically, just a modest Dealers’ Room with a kids’ cosplay contest at the end of the day.  For obvious reasons, this wound up being the shortest Conventional Wisdom comic set I’d ever done: the first one to be under ten pages.  But honest, given the number of times where it felt like a struggle to get a dozen pages out of a whole weekend where I was actually DOING stuff, I think I did well to come up with eight pages just from me hanging out around boxes of used comics for an afternoon.)