This was a new experience for me. I’ve been to a lot of sparsely populated panels… heck, I’ve HOSTED a lot of sparsely populated panels (it doesn’t matter what con you’re at, first panel of the morning is NEVER a spot you want) But this was the first time I’ve ever been the single, solitary person to show up… which made me feel kind of bad to have next to nothing to contribute to the discussion. Still, lots of props to Rob Newns, Joshua Vanderwall, and Greg Tito for carrying on like real pros.

(Historical Notes: Yeeeaaah, it wasn’t just the concerts that were a little under-attended.  It soon became clear that most of the people who showed up were just there to hand out in the game room.  Oh, and Past Me is being just a little dissentious in an attempt to make this seem less bad.  It’s entirely true that I had, and would even continue to, host panels with just one person in the audience… but those were all LAAAAAATE night panels that only seemed to have been approved to fill up an empty spot on the schedule.  It’s not quite the same thing to have a mostly-empty room in the middle of the day.  Actually, Past Me is also being a bit un-truthful about me not having anything to contribute.  I mean, I was still my awkward, silent self, to be sure, but the whole panel was about how to sell people on a video game idea, and it’s not like cartoonists don’t also have to know how to make an elevator pitch.)