Well, I don’t know about YOU people, but I for one am quite pleased with how the latest addition to Conventional Wisdom turned out. Ironically, I busted my hump trying to figure out what her “normal” design would be, yet it was those AU versions (and Crazy Miffy at the bottom) who were the most fun. All the other mascots are pretty much locked in one general expression, so the prospect of adding a really elastic, emotive character to the mix is really fun!

On a less fun note, Anime USA is coming soon and… wait, that came out all wrong. I’m actually looking forward to AUSA, assuming I’m actually able to get there. There’s some… disorganization behind the scenes that, among other things, has left my con plans in complete disarray. I though about drawing a comic just about THAT, but I honestly don’t know what I’d even say about it. Things are that up in the air right now. And lest we forget, this is the con that I straight up forgot about last year, so my track record’s not too good as it is.

(Historical Notes: I can’t actually remember if the Drunk Duck store ever actually got any Miffy designs.  We’re VERY close to me starting to slide over to SmackJeeves, and I’m pretty sure I stopped bothering with DD’s store around that point.  I also can’t for the life of me remember what the problem with AUSA was.  Or, more to the point, I remember so many things it COULD be that I can’t sort through it all and find the one that actually fits this specific time frame.  There’s a reason why I only help other people out with their panels, never submitting any of my own.)