See what I meant when I said I needed time to get this done last week? I should probably check before saying this, but I’m pretty sure this is the longest Conventional Wisdom ever.

…and yet, there’s no actual pay-off! Please be patient, it’s been a while since I tried to create one of these mascot critters. Remember, all the ones here were created YEARS before this comic absorbed them, so I’m a bit out of practice…

(Historical Notes: Apparently, this page gave me a lot of trouble when I first ported it over from Drunk Duck to SmackJeeves, on account of the file being too big.  Because, you know, it CLEARLY needed to be this big in the first place.  Also, some people would go on to tell me they’d actually buy merchandise with the big blob thing on it.  I really should look into that at some point.  Finally, I really can’t remember how far along into designing Miffy I actually was at this point.  I feel like I remember exaggerating with this page for the purpose of building up anticipation, but I can’t have been THAT close to the final draft because… well, you’ll see.)