(Historical Notes: *gasp* Can it be?  It it true?  A COMIC ABOUT THE ACTUAL CONVENTION?!?!?!?!?  What a concept!  …and yeah, I know, I’m still guilty of this kind of thing, but it’s just waaaay more annoying in this context.  It’s one thing to strain to fill time on some tiny little local con I’m only attending because it’s nearby.  Frickin’ OTAKON should not require that kind of writing.  Anyway, if you’ve never been in the Washington Convention Center, the usual convention center layout of “big giant room down below, halls and smaller rooms up above” are augmented by a number of giant windows at allow the latter to look down on the former.  Works really well in this context, honestly, especially since Otakon attracts so many giant industry booths with amazing decorations and what have you that look great even from a distance.  Even better, it was REALLY tantalizing to see it all getting set up.  I will never truly understand people who wait in line for the Dealer’s Room to open, but I absolutely understand that those folks were MASSIVELY teased by the sight of all that construction before the doors opened.)