The Dealer’s Room is always crowded at any con, but Friday at Ichibancon was CRAZY. There was a line all day. and I don’t just mean people were lined up waiting to for it to open all day. I mean that even when the doors WERE opened, there was still a line of people waiting for a chance to get in because there wasn’t room for everyone. They actually had to close the doors again at LEAST once so that the crowd could dwindle down to Fire Code Approved levels again. That’s CRAZY.

(Historical Notes: I’m not sure why Past Me decided to go with THIS gag as the comic and not the Max Capacity incident mentioned above.  The joke about waiting in line to be the first in the Dealer’s Room could be used at pretty much any convention, but I can’t recall seeing the whole door-closing thing EVER happen anywhere else.  That’s a true wasted opportunity… that I should probably have happen at ConCONcon at some point.)