And the terrifying this is, I already knew about a LOT of things wrong with that poor crappy van. Discovering a whole NEW slew of things breaking and going wrong wasn’t fun.

By the way, I think I accidentally did a Sandra and Woo cameo without even meaning to here. At least, I was surprised when I went back to ink the page and saw him there. Little easter eggs for myself.

Oh, and speaking of cameos and eater eggs, it’s more of the kids! You didn’t think I was just gonna leave ’em on the cover page, did you?

(Historical Notes: It’s sad that the van is in even worse shape now than it was back then.  I’d LOVE that hunk of junk to go back to being as functional as it was in 2015.  Also, one might find it odd that I would get self-conscious about changing in the van when by this point I already HAD plenty of experience changing clothes in the van from the previous few commuting cons.  Really, it was more the paranoia of somebody catching on that I was sleeping on hotel property without permission than it was fear of getting literally caught with my pants down.)