(Historical Notes: Okay, the thing you gotta understand here is that the Metro stop in question didn’t just have “a lot of parking decks.”  It had an old parking deck that was blocked off to actual cars but not foot traffic, and the new one that people were actually supposed to USE.  I left the station on the side that connected with the old lot, and didn’t wanna go through the rigamarole of cutting through the station, so I tried to walk around the outside.  Turns out the outside was WAY bigger than I anticipated.  In retrospect, it makes total sense, since it really was the end of the Metro line, so of COURSE it would need a lot of parking space for commuters.  Not that that made dragging all that luggage behind me the whole time any less exhausting… but I’d still rather do this than trust the hotel’s bag check.  I did feel better in retrospect when I started hearing from other people that they’d made the exact same mistake at this place.  Always pay attention to the signs, kids!)